
But what's the actual point. This isn't right. This isn't what was ment to happen. This was all just ment to be fun and happy. You know why you did this, you did this to me. You bring joy and yet you have to toss me to the side like you do everyone else.


@BleedingOutInk Oh stfu. You know why. You're crying over the fact that chnage happens. So what if I changed my mind half way, who are you to tell me what to do. Don't bring them up they chose to leave and so did I.


But what's the actual point. This isn't right. This isn't what was ment to happen. This was all just ment to be fun and happy. You know why you did this, you did this to me. You bring joy and yet you have to toss me to the side like you do everyone else.


@BleedingOutInk Oh stfu. You know why. You're crying over the fact that chnage happens. So what if I changed my mind half way, who are you to tell me what to do. Don't bring them up they chose to leave and so did I.


help I'm being bullied by a short lesbian and I'm scared


@hayhayloulou danm, thats good but also bad.