
 "Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel"


Thanks for the follow! If you get the chance, please check out my story Her and vote and comment if you enjoy. Thanks!


            Ohhhh I love your story, it's really amazing! I'll make sure to vote and comment more! If you can, please check out my own, I Guess I'm Stuck With You. Thanks!


Please check out my new story, which I'll hopefully get the will to update once in a while, "I Guess I'm Stuck With You." I think it's a good concept but idk, I could be wrong. 
          the blurb is as follows:
           It was the elevator that started it all. Or you          could say it was the stupid mechanic who hadn't properly fixed the elevator is who started it all. 
          But the point is, before they got into that elevator, they were barely acquaintances. Yet when they got out, they were nearly inseparable.
          Hope You Guys Like it!


thank you sooo much for the follow! and thank you also for voting for my AF story!! :) hope youll also vote for the other chapters. :)


You're very welcome! I absolutely looove your story! It's so hard to find a Narnia FIC like this. It's amazing so far and I can't wait until the next update!