
For now it’s all unpublished. I will be deleting them permanently soon so last chance for anyone who’s like to repost, please dm me about it 


It’s funny, I don’t think anyone read my message below. I’m deleting these stories probably tomorrow, just a warning. 


Yea probably. sorry I’m a bit frustrated with the whole thing. I kinda wish they were gone off the internet but I should understand some people do enjoy them and I suppose It’d be wrong of me to remove them completely 


I’m thinking about purging all my work. I had written a long explanation as to why but it was deleted so hears a short run down of my thoughts. 
          I don’t really like any of my work, non of it’s appealing or really good. I’ve left the creepypasta fandom for almost a year now and have no motivation to continue any of my stories no matter how hard I’ve tried to continue. 
          I also want to be able to share new work from other fandoms that I’m in and have motivation to write in. I know everyone here reading my stories are here for creepypasta and I no longer want that to be the reason people come to my profile. 
          I’ll always hold eyeless jack dear to me as a character, Experiment G still my OC but not part of the creepypasta world any longer. he’s become more of a self insert for that fandom I realize and I don’t want that for him. 
          I’ll be removing the stories in a few days, give everyone time to read them before they’re gone I suppose.. 
          I’m sorry for all of this, I owe you all better, but I can’t help but feel drained every time I try and finish the same chapters I’ve been working on for months. 
          I’d like to hear feedback from everyone, good and bad, I won’t mind. I wanna get an idea of how people feel about this I suppose. Thank you all for your patients and kind words and I’m sorry I’m the end I let you all down. 


You have a chain mail
          Now post this in everyones wall who you think deserves all the love in the world
          If you forget...
          1 back= you're love
          3 back= your're popular
          5 back= you're the most lovable person out there
          10 back= damn I'm jealous


this message may be offensive
@Blind-Boy I want say this. Ur best fucking author in the world. I loved Freak with a blue mask


Ty again for the sweet comment and I apologize for everything I’ve been doing, of more specifically, not doing 


I hope that one day I can come out of this, but I can’t seem to find a reason


Oh my why haven’t I seen your comment before?! Ty so much! I wish I hadn’t lost the inspiration required to continue my work here. Right now I struggling through writers block and loss of inspiration that has lasted me what seems to be a year almost two.


I’m working on getting a Patreon set up. I’m hoping this will encourage me to work more. I guess we’ll find out soon! I’ll being leaving a link here in the next week, hopefully this works out. 
          Some things you’ll get when become a Patreon: 
          Patreon only newsletter 
          Patreon only Q&As
          Access to drafts and works in progress 
          Commissions (digital) 
          I’m hoping that if I have a place to post my drafts and a place to earn money will encourage me to work and post more. I have a few reasons for this and a big one is because I don’t believe many people here are enjoying my rewrites or my story’s for that matter. 


Posting dates: 
          Camp for the crazies: 
          Chapter 2: June 3rd
          Chapter 3: July 1st 
          Chapter 4: July 29th 
          Damn Humans: 
          Files: June 17th
          Chapter 1: July 15th 
          Chapter 2: August 12th 
          Hopefully I’m not late this time, but who really knows? 


I’ve finally come to a decision concerning my books. 
          I’m going to rewrite Camp for the crazies and damn Humans completely. I’ve already started on them, it’s a big reason why I’ve been avoiding updating so I can rewrite them. I have to options for my followers who read my work. 
          1) I’ll delete the two stories and post a new book with the rewritten version for each. 
          Or 2) I keep the old book and post a new book for both stories. 
          It’s up to you all, but if no one says anything I’m just deleting the old stories to clear some space. 
          I’m giving another month to finish rewriting up to all the chapters I’ve already posted before I act on anything. When I post them, I’ll only be posting a chapter at a time, posting every other Wednesday. 
          I’ll post the first chapter of the book of your choice on May 6th, my next post will be the first chapter of the next book on May 20th. 
          When and if you post a response I’d like it if you picked option 1 or 2 then tell me what book you’d want the first chapter to come out on May 6th, if I don’t get any response I’ll be picking. 
          If you have any questions or tips please add them too! I’d prefer you left your comments on this post but you can DM me too, you’re more likely to get a response that way.


@Blind-Boy I think option 2 and um Camp for the crazies first please