HAPPY FRIDAY!! Here's a chapter of Kingdoms Align for You to celebrate!! Speaking of which, we may have a surprise on its way... but I didn't say anything ;)
Today is Friday - that means a new chapter of Kingdoms Align for you!! @saratheshrimp has worked super hard on this so make sure to read it!! :3
Umii ( o=^•ェ•)o
Chapter 2 of Kingdoms Align for You has just been released!! This chapter was written by the wonderful @saratheshrimp !! The teasers, art and extra content is on her account, so that's the place to be after a Friday!
Umiichii ✨
The first chapter of Kingdoms Align for You is out!! Make sure to check out the teasers, art and extra content on @saratheshrimp 's account! This series is being written with Sara as the voice of Polaris and me as the voice of Mercury! There will be a lot of extra stuff as well as chapters in the near future so don't miss out!!