Hello everyone,
Well first semester of my college is over and the next half of the semester begins tomorrow. It's so weird how time just flew by. Well I'm thinking of posting my own story. But I am not sure when to do so as I may not get time after the second semester of my college is over.
Well I am looking forward to something real good rn. Well you guys I really love this author and her stories and she recently joined and wattpad, so all her other stories that are basically on another website. I offered some help that I could collaborate with her and well document all those stories on her account on wattpad and well she did say it would be nice but there is no official answer. Hopefully I will receive an answer soon. And just so you know her stories are just amazing I have never read something so good that i remember for so long.
Well that is it for my rantings now.
Bye guys stay safe and happy.