
I'm alive! And kicking, yes, but alive. I've been super duper busy preparing new stories with people and new ocs, plus school and work has made it hard to cram in writing. I do ask that you bear with me, if you want to talk, feel free to message me!


I'm alive! And kicking, yes, but alive. I've been super duper busy preparing new stories with people and new ocs, plus school and work has made it hard to cram in writing. I do ask that you bear with me, if you want to talk, feel free to message me!


I may or may not have some people asking me why it's taking me so long to post on Generation Beta, and the answer to that is quite simple. I'm creating another story on my own, and a collaborative Universe with a friend of mine. It's going to take a little longer to post, but be patient. They'll be out soon enough.