


I am halfway through this book and I just can’t put it down. For a first time author I am blown away by the talent on display in this book. Her ability to weave a tale with a truly remarkable descriptive style that gives clear vision to her story. With tasteful images sprinkled in that adds to and never detracts from your immersive experience. I am in love  with her characters and she has such great witty delivery one minute and in the next five a detailed fight scene worth of a summer blockbuster. Don’t take my word for it. Go on, go now and read it yourself. 


Thank you so much for adding When Our Stories Collide to your reading list! 
          "Let's get lost in a book today, and maybe never come back." <3


Bahahahhh he’s definitely going to make you want to throw your phone, best read it on carpet! LOL!


@keralee123 the story looks so interesting and like your guy is going to make me want to throw my phone lol. Looking forward to getting into all 3 books. 


          Thank you so much for adding my book to your library and I hope you will enjoy reading it but I just wanted to say that my book is adventurous and humorous. Its a story about a girl who wants to fulfill her dream of traveling alone but on this path of exploration she meets unexpected events that make the journey more adventurous.
          So, there's nothing supernatural in it. There's no demon in it but a guaranteed rollercoaster ride.
          Thank you and stay safe ♥️


A great story with terrific world building. Had me hooked from the beginning and I lost sleep because I just had to keep going just one more chapter or so I told myself lol. Action, betrayal, laughter, love you and it this gem of a story has it with enough twist to give you whiplash. However the conclusion leaves you satisfied and sort is wistful to leave the characters behind