
For everyone waiting for the next chapter of Ever Bound: Rebellion, I can assure you it's coming.
          	I've been focusing on school a lot lately and this chapter in particular has a lot of fight scenes to choreograph and HUGE pivotal moments that will greatly affect the story that I need to deliver properly.
          	Just keeping y'all updated.


For everyone waiting for the next chapter of Ever Bound: Rebellion, I can assure you it's coming.
          I've been focusing on school a lot lately and this chapter in particular has a lot of fight scenes to choreograph and HUGE pivotal moments that will greatly affect the story that I need to deliver properly.
          Just keeping y'all updated.


Thanks for the follow. Finally, someone with Afro American/Cherokee Indian blood & a bizarre imagination. I thought I was alone for a while there, lol. Anyway, I like your bio, it seems honest. ^^


@Blk_Friday12  Gotcha. I must've missed it, but thanks for spreading the word. I haven't noticed my name yet, though I'm still going to put this in my book as well if you don't mind?  


@AceOfKnaves Its not the book on wattpad, within the book I shared is a post notifying people of the plagiarizers