
So eventually I will make the time to get back to my music, youtube, and stories. I intend to start writing a horror story I have been tossing around in my head for a bit, a little short about my creepypasta oc, and some x readers. I will do smut.


So eventually I will make the time to get back to my music, youtube, and stories. I intend to start writing a horror story I have been tossing around in my head for a bit, a little short about my creepypasta oc, and some x readers. I will do smut.


WHERES THE PRON111!!!111!1!


@BloodEllieCrimson That sounds very intriguing. I hope to see it appear shortly! Make sure to involve ALL OF THE PRON.


@RageSeeker aha, okay. Eyeless Jack and BDSM X Reader. xD


I just recognized that this could be a problem.  I am referred as Black Rose not because I picked a random death wannabe name. It does not symbolize death  in that straight-forward way, in my case. The Black Rose represents the death of an old self and the rebirth of one's true self and that is why I have chosen that name.