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!!!!!!!!!! Warning MAJOR Voltron season eight spoilers.!!!!!!!!! Voltron Rant Part One: ALLURANCE Alright now. This season was action packed and emotional, I loved every second and even the graphics were great as usual but it was... Unsatisfying. First of all Allurance. Wow creative topic I know right? But I mean come on. Allurance seems forced and out of the blue (Pun intended). Up until season seven Allura clearly shows she has no interest for Lance whatsoever, even being annoyed occasionally by his attempts at flirting. But suddenly boom "Oh shit bruh I'm in love." Happens and honestly it's a little annoying. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Voltron, the story and characters are amazing, but I mean come the fuck on! Lance was confirmed to have an endgame and, despite me being an extreme Klance shipper, I was okay with Lance's love interest being anyone.... But Allura (No offence Allurance stans). I have nothing against the ship but as I said it seems forced. If they didn't want a Homosexual or Bi Lance they could've gone for Lance to be shipped with someone like Pidge as there is evidence there. But instead they choose the princess, why? Because cliche. The idiot hero gets the girl and they lived happily ever after..... Except they didn't. Allura sacrifices herself and leaves Lance and the team to live their lives. Lance got and endgame but at the same time didn't. An endgame is a ship that the series ends with, and sure they had heartfelt messages of Lance spreading Allura's message but they are not technically together. Lance could've moved on and just being doing this because he looks up to Allura, they might not even be dating in the final shots. In fact they aren't. Because Allura's dead, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal so.... Yeah. Allurance ain't endgame. First issue: No satisfying Lance endgame as promised.