
Abt to make a Helluva Boss fanfic! It'll be for mature audiences, since it'll include stuff like addiction, toxic relationships, smut, etc. Currently obsessed with my little self insert character uwu


Hey as a long time writer not on here but in general I've read some of your work it's not bad but it uses way too many similar phrases rather than using more complex words or phrases from the last and in regards with fan fics I personally believe a story is much better when the character you make is someone who pretty much relates with your inner person and stuff so it's better to try to work on a rough sketch of a story and try to see were it could go or if you do plan on to continue a fan fic then I would recommend working out the certain scenarios in your mind the try to write it over n over again until you perfect the message you are trying to relay to your reader


May try to write some original fiction for the first time in a while and post it on here; it would def be unsuitable for children (regarding sexual topics and potentially images drawn by yours truly), but it would be an interesting creative exercise for me