this message may be offensive
Its soooooooo funny how you're talking about people on here that have pic's of them self as there icon I don't see you postin pic's of your self on your icon!! This is 2016 grow the fuck up and stop hiding behind a fucking phone/computer. And I don't understand what's with the 'make america great again' shit has to do with gay's,lesbian's etc. I don't see how them being there self effect's you in any type of way tbh I see them being there own person and living life unlike dick head's like you that waste there time all day trying to make people's day horrible . if you really want these's bad people to leave wattpad then I don't see why you haven't left yet lmao Don't come at any of these's people side's way for having them self's as there icon! For crying out loud DONT TALK SHIT IF YOU URSELF CANT PUT A SIMPLE PIC OF URSELF AS UR ICON! you can talk as much shit about me as you want but at the end of the day it won't affect me cause all the shit that comes out your mouth doesn't make sense so thank u bye (: