I’m not sure if anyone actually reads these announcements, but for anyone who is, I just wanted to let ya’ll know I am alive. I did not forget about my Diabolik Lovers story, I’ve just been busy and really unmotivated to right this particular story. It’s been fifteen plus years since (again) I watched this show and I’m almost 23 so I’ve kinda grown out of my love for it, but that being said, I know people like it so I will finish it at some point. At some point is up in the air… However, in the meantime I’ve really gotten into the movie Karate Kid again and I plan on publishing this story I’ve put together centered on that, so let me know if you would be interested in reading it. It’s a love story between my OC and Johnny Lawrence, it is a little slow in the beginning, but I believe it’s worth the wait. Keep in mind, when I do decide to publish it, I want it to already be done and roughly twenty chapters in length, maybe a little more or maybe even a little less; right now I have nine chapters. I’ve been pretty motivated in righting it lately so it might come out sometime this year or maybe sometime in the beginning of 2025. Just know the plot deviates somewhat to fit my character and her role in the movie, so there will be some obvious changes in scenes and (some) characters. The Cobra Kai group may be a little OOC, you don’t really get a full grasp of their characters besides Johnny’s in the movie, so I’ve kinda played with that a bit. Also, I’m not the type that inputs wallflower characters, I like my OC’s to be able to defend themselves physically and verbally, so expect her to be evenly matched with Johnny. Anyways! Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, I’ll definitely try to provide you with some answers.

Oof, guys this is why we proof read…I just noticed I wrote ‘right’ instead of ‘write’ (several time)….smh, ignore that. My brain is not functioning this morning.