Exam in two weeks and I haven't even prepared yet im so screw lol ('-')''''
Anyways, regarding updates,
Most probably I will unpublish one story soon. Im so sorry. I cant update two books at once and I've decided to unpublished both romance stories and start Legacy of the Night Wolves all over again. It will have a new name,maybe a more twisted plot, new characters and a few more secrets waiting for you to unravel.
Until the end, I'm a fantasy lover,so itd only make sense for me to take a break from romance and move on with fantasy once in a while. I promise, LotNW won't dissapoint as there are also large amounts of fluff, romance, chemistry, thriller and weird creatures.
When I feel like I have the confidence to write romance again, I will, and I will definitely make you girls heart swoon at our precious bad boys.
Until then,
Reiki : Wait does that mean its time for us to shine?
Luna : Thats right, Reiki. Sorry Jake, Noah
Jake : As long as I have my snowflake Im fine.
Noah : but but I haven't even shown up yet!
Tyran : Tough luck kid, its time for us to explore.
Noah : B-but what about Andrea? Eclipse? Talia? Liam? What about them?
Eclipse : Well he does have a point.
(All turn to look at author)
Author : I-I dont know anything! Dont look at me! (Runs)
Anyways, I'll finish up their story if I have free time. Im sorry for those who have loved my stories. I really am. I hope you can wait until they come back.