Hey!! Its your friendly neighborhood 6'10 Spiderman here! (No, really!) Most of my stuff will probably be satire, it will be pretty obvious, but some of them are serious fan fictions that I spend way too much time on... 😘
Ill always take recommendations from the comments, and I promise to deliver everybody their daily, weekly, monthly doses of cringe. ENJOY!
  • انضمSeptember 21, 2024


قصص بقلم Bloody Riot
But... Im Not A Kid... بقلم BloodyRiot
But... Im Not A Kid...
We all know about Drake and Kendrick's beef, but what if it was all a cover..? What if behind the scenes they...
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SmartSchoolBoy9 Lemon
SmartSchoolBoy9..? In your school!? Youve always been afraid, but up close hes... different...
Lake Tahoe بقلم BloodyRiot
Lake Tahoe
In a little town in 1997 everything is fine, until a five year old goes missing one day, setting the whole to...