
Writing, Sports, Education, Gaming... together, the four aspects of this one asshole’s life lived together in harmony, until one day, the Stress Of College attacked!
          	     Only the Writer, master of juggling all four aspects could hold it back and appease his readers, then, when he readers wanted him most, he vanished.  A year or so passed until the new writer came forth, a young writer named BloodySir returned.  And although his writing skills are somewhat average, he needs to train before he can achieve his lost glory.  Big I believe.. I can resurrect from the ashes....


Writing, Sports, Education, Gaming... together, the four aspects of this one asshole’s life lived together in harmony, until one day, the Stress Of College attacked!
               Only the Writer, master of juggling all four aspects could hold it back and appease his readers, then, when he readers wanted him most, he vanished.  A year or so passed until the new writer came forth, a young writer named BloodySir returned.  And although his writing skills are somewhat average, he needs to train before he can achieve his lost glory.  Big I believe.. I can resurrect from the ashes....


Your name isn't dan right?


@astro-lord that a good thing?


@BloodySir13 oh you just had a lot in common with someone I used to know


this message may be offensive
Wait, What?  So I leave Wattpad cause I got high school, college, and work to worry about, and when I come back, ready cause I finally got my shit together and ready to go, I have 100 followers?  Damn, well fuck.  You guys are really good at making me feel shitty for not updating as much as I promised you guys, and myself.  So to that end, I really am sorry.  I am sorry I'm not as dependable and consistent writer as I strive myself to be, like Chin and so forth.  I'm sorry that I haven't been properly giving you guys the thanks and so forth that you guys have been giving me.  So, to kick off this Late Thanksgiving, or Sorrygiving, with the way I've been going, I've published two new chapters thanks to my good pal Nosserson, and I'm working on the next chapter to the Raven King, which will hopefully bring us to Volume 5 of RWBY, for those who actually give a shit.   So, I thank you all, for being here, for being supporters for everything that I would do.


Heyo, sorry I was out and forgot to post a chapter for so long.  I didn't imagine Christmas break to be as much as a pain as I'd thought it'd be.  But alas!  Two chapters!  One is pretty straight forward and blunt, the two other fights  from the canon season 3, while the other, is where it starts.


Yeah a Bloodborne fan! Thanks for following.


@TheNameIsntImportant well I guess in that perspective you could deem it to be a true statement.  I combined my passions and tried to do so in an interesting manner. And I'm enjoying writing, so yeah.  Thanks that's awfully kind of you


@BloodySir13 Don't sell yourself short. No matter what as long as writing is fun to you then you have already made a great story.


For all Currently reading the Raven King, if you got a chapter update recently for chapter 9, part 1 I'm  sorry I misclicked when I wasn't done.  I will have it on today though, along with part two if I'm lucky as golden dirt


Hey I like your story the raven king nice work


Hey how ya doing


I'm doing alright thanks for asking how about you?