
Hi there I just read the first chapter of gypsy soul it's a really nice book. I was wondering if you don't mind reading my book CHOICES by darkgirllollipop and please feel free to give me your opinion but it's really okay if you don't want to read it. STAY safe and God bless.


Hi. Firstly, I would like to ask for you not to be offended for what I'm about to say. Now on with my message:
          One of your chapters really got to me. The ending of Chapter 22 somehow hit me fast and unexpectedly. Not saying that's bad, because not,  -that's what makes a story good- but it was definitely a little more than what your story description gave. 
          I think the description should be more, well, descriptive rather than just  labeling "Mature". Like maybe #abuse . 
          Or since you write A/N's, how about a TRIGGER WARNING. 
          Your story is great, but some people (including the "mature" ones) have really been through some of the things you've put into your book. Like chapter 22. So for the mental health of some of your readers and fellow wattpaders, it would be nice to BE WARNED. 
          That is all. 
          Thank you for taking the time to read this (if you even do). 


@Lil_ly97 I just sent you a direct message if you want to check it out.
             But for everyone, you're right