
this message may be offensive
Post below is for a certain bitch who can't get on this account anymore and Dakota if you're reading this fuck you and go to hell for pretty much causing me even more trauma 


this message may be offensive
 fuck you for pretty much putting slander on my name claiming I forced you to do shit when that isn't true or that I "abused" you. You didn't like the fact that I tried to see if you were okay a simple fuck off would have sufficed. Also next time you claim I abuse you back your shit up with proof or oh I don't know get some fucking help. Cause it's just sad and funny watching you play victim. Yet when you needed me I was there for you in a heart beat helping you with whatever you needed. But when I needed you I got ignored and fucked over. Let's not forget the time you got drunk with me, you claimed I forced you to do shit. Never did that, didn't force you to get drunk. Nor did I force you to get high and drive back to your house, you did that all on your own babe. Only thing I said was oh hey maybe you shouldn't do that since one of us can't drive in general, then proceeded to yell at me for talking to someone you didn't like or just talking about him in general cause I didn't know how you knew my ex (wasn't dating him at that time) last time you and I fucking spoke was when I broke my wrist and even at that, it wasn't often. Then when the alters tried to talk to you, you wouldn't say shit to them until Ren told you he had something to say. Then it got to the point where one of my friends decided to say something did you have your fucking partner come for me and blame me for everything. Like hello I don't have control for what comes out of my friends mouth he is unfiltered and you can't handle that. I have even said in high-school I am bad with social ques and need to be told if I crossed a line or boundaries of yours. But that never once happened, you still have my shit that I paid for like one of my old cosplay wigs and BLOOM'S bow clips. You pretty much fucked Sage over in a relationship and same with Ren. In fact fuck you and your whole fucking system. I don't know why I was ever friends with a selfish, self-centered asshole such as yourself. #fuckyoudakota