" Hot breath. Blood. Painful memories. She heard voices, demanding, scared & concerned. One in particular frightened her to the core.
The way they sounded was clear & nerve-wrecking, it scared her that she couldn't answer back, that she wouldn't even know if this was real or an illusion.
Not that real was any kind to her for long. Then she realized someone or something was screaming at her. Everything was too much after that. She felt herself tear apart, her thoughts were inaudible as her morals & beliefs became unnatural.
Death wants you to rest, to stop fighting for the good & evil of any world, to feel nothing but everything again. That was when she knew she wasn't going to die yet.
As she stood facing the being, cascaded in light & darkness unsure but not suspicious about them standing, waiting, watching from a doorway in the darkness, for her.
I don't know if this is a story with lessons or a great belief of the unknown. I do know that she lived, & is alive & healthy. But scared & doubting if she was or is worth it. She writes on these pages as I am doing now. She hopes you care enough to listen to her. I'm here to make sure you do. "
- Bloomskull
~When A Phoenix Dies, But Chooses To Live.~
Or it's other name
~Phoenix & Death~