
@BlossomFlower_uwu hello! Animefran tagged me in a positive chain so I should post this to my 10 fav followers. Ur one of them!
          Positive chain! Say 5  good things about yourself and send this to 10 of your favorite peop--followers! 


Wow bro everything about you is good. Slr lolol
            Relatable and
            Hang in there!


Haii! Sorry for late response oops- but anyways!
            5 Good Things About Myself:
            - I am very considerate of others, despite if their attitude towards me is negative.
            - I help a lot of people on the internet (because socializing in real life is hard ^^; hehe).
            - I don’t go out of my way to be toxic or rude, unless it’s playfully and I don’t mean it.
            - I really appreciate and value my friendships, more than myself apparently... XD 
            - I like staying positive in the darkest of moments in life! qwq 


I luv u and u can have my uwu. I am socially awkward and I wanna be ur....f-friend. And I just wanna let ya know you made my day rn UwU


@BlossomFlower_uwu yey new fwend! If u ever need someone by ur side im here! I mean not literally bc we're on different places xD.


Awe, of course I’ll be your fwend! uwu
            No u take all my uwus! And I’m happy to make your day! Tell me whenever you feel down and I’ll be happy to help! uwu