
Hey guys so I am currently editing and working on the chapter and it's gonna be uplouded soon ❤


Hey guys so we uplouded chapter 4 but on my friend's profile cause while I was editing everything was deleted and it everything was a mess so if you can't wait go check it at my friend's profile and vote and like cause we really worked hard on it thank you.... Peace out 


Sorry guys for not uploading as said and promised but my friend has been busy lately and I am bringing a new phone so I have to like wait so I don't lose the data I habe on wattpad sorry guys promise we will uploud soon..... Peace out ❤❤


Guys hello I know we didn't uploud for so long but maybe we will be uplouding a chapter today and it will be long so plz look forward for it cause we are still working on it and also thank you for 41 readers cause for me it's quite special to have readers thank you so much........peace out ❤