*clears throat* dear siblings please FREAKING STOP COMING ONTO MY WATTPAD AND VOTING ON BOOKS. Thank you for listening also.....TOM HOLLAND?!!! WHAT THE FREAKING HECK?
HEY EVERYONE!!!!!! I HAVE THIS WHOLE WEEK OFF FROM WORK!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! (finally getting a Vacation) Anyways if you guys want to ask me anything about my books feel free to ask anytime!!! (I won't answer if I'm with family or if I'm asleep)
Uhh...either “Another One Bites The Dust”, “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy” or “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”
Also, Pete, I’d love one of those cookies
Patty: Oh one more thing
Pete and Patty: I WILL FITE YOU! *tackles you* Don't talk that way about yourself kiddo *squeezes*
Me: *in the corner of the room* Yes! Finally someone else being tackled
Patty's and Pete's kids: DON'T TALK THAT WAY ABOUT YOURSELF! *tackles me next to their parents*
Patty: Good kiddos
Pete: when K.A.P and Rose are feeling better yall can have cookies
Me: *blows hair out of my face and turns head towards you* so whats your favorite Queen song? Mine is stuck between "Under Pressure" and "We Will Rock You!" Oh and "We are the Champions"
Patty: Rose is very self-conscious of herself
Pepper and Virginia: yours truly
Patty: It'll take her ages but Pete and I are her morality soooo
Pete: Yeah
OK PEOPLE!!! DO PRAY TELL......WHY DO I HAVE 12 FOLLOWERS? *casually looks over shoulder "JuSt In CaSe"* I know 12 may not seem like a lot but FWI it is to me so yeah.....oh and another thing ALL OF YOU ARE PRECIOUS BEAN'S!!!!! AND HAVE MY SUPPORT!!!! *yeets support and it flies everywhere*
Does anyone know that feeling when you go to bed at 3:30 but you have to get up at 6:30 ? Or when you are in bed writing one eye closed and writing with one hand at 2am?