In Dreams Maks music video, his two friends, Sapnap and George are his escape from reality and where he feels at home
I liked to think that my friends were my escape but now I feel like I need to escape from them
It’s hard, I built this persona for them to get used to like I did everyone else but now I regret even letting them see and slither the realer of me
A blank canvas
Scratches and old pencil markings that weren’t completely removed
A big slash in the middle fixed by tape in the back and paint the same color as the canvas
The nails of it are rusting and the entire thing is coming undone
Whenever the canvas is shown to people, it’s covered with plastic wrap and they paint over it
Every new person is a new cover of plastic wrap
If they want to see it again, we show them a photo
The plastic wrap is hung on the wall as a reminder that they haven’t painted over me
But these btches broke the wrap, threw paint on the canvas and then didn’t clean up the mess
The canvas was then painted over by white paint because no one else is allowing to see how much it’s suffered