
@TashannaJohnson Interesting if I was you, I'd choose iguanas because you said your favourite colour changes daily and iguanas are close to chameleons therefore it could be an igualeon (both animals joined together)! My logic really doesn't make sense....(: Oh well! Haha yeah outgoing, unique, one of a kind they all sound awesome to me!


@TashannaJohnson Interesting if I was you, I'd choose iguanas because you said your favourite colour changes daily and iguanas are close to chameleons therefore it could be an igualeon (both animals joined together)! My logic really doesn't make sense....(: Oh well! Haha yeah outgoing, unique, one of a kind they all sound awesome to me!


@TashannaJohnson That's all cool! In fact what would you have if not cats?? Thanks, I really try to be myself on Wattpad so im kinda crazy. You sound like an awesome person, so I'm rather happy that you decided to comment on my bio! Also I believe colour determines most things so what is your favourite colour?? 


Yahhhh my GAWD I had to do my most famous research to find out who you were !!!! Next time you change your user name tell me because I was like who da fuk does this person think showing up on my news feed uninvited (hah that sounded like Adele ) SO WARN MEEEEE or else I'll do the unthinkable