
A new chapter had been uploaded!! Mission To The Unknown is back again! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
          	Though I think I went too far and wrote over... Let's see, 4000 words? Perhaps more. I just didn't know where to stop! Sue me!
          	Have fun reading chapter 13


In the chapter 'Exposing the ugly 2/13' (In the Shadows of us), you mentioned that there weren't many swear words because a kid was reading it. One question, am I the kid? I mean, I am only one year younger than a tween


And you made a WHOLE conversation with me in you book The Shadows of Us


@ Amy_NinjagoFan  really? I did? You remember my ADHD right so you probably know how it it (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠). But I feel like I need to apologize so... Sorry? Idk, I felt like I should.


A new chapter had been uploaded!! Mission To The Unknown is back again! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
          Though I think I went too far and wrote over... Let's see, 4000 words? Perhaps more. I just didn't know where to stop! Sue me!
          Have fun reading chapter 13


Thank you so much for your caring, my friend (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Really appreciate it. And oh my god, you called me Berry, that's actually cute, I like it! I'm aware it's because it's my user name but it's just so, ahh!! (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)


Hey everyone!!
          I know I'm... Well, slacking off, but you all know why do I'm not going to explain that again. But! I'm going to upload a chapter of the book Mission To The Unknown perhaps tomorrow or after tomorrow (guys Idk what you call the day after tomorrow 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。 we call it "wara baker" so idk about you).
          And I know you're all exited about The Shadows Of Us, trust me you should be because I planned something OOOOOOH!!
          So bear with me, 'kay?


@BlueBerry072 yayy! im excited <3 remember to take care of yourself too, berry!! <3


Hello, friend!
          Lately I wasn't posting anything or updating any chapters. I forgot to mention that I have exams. So, sorry about that. I'm gonna try and make this quick♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
          I only have three exams left, tomorrow is Chemistry then biology then Advanced English or we just call it :(Elective) idk why.
          Though, both biology and Elective will be at the same day! Lucky me.
          After this I will be sure to update more chapters! Starting with "Mission To The Unknown"


@BlueBerry072 Good Luck on your exams! You can do it!


@ anoonyyk  oh, it's okay you don't have to♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠). And I believe, anything you make with your own hands and spend a lot of time and effort on is an art! So never be ashamed of your art or not confident about it, always show it to the right people who will support you do you will continue AND get better!! That's how I was able to draw my country's Sultan!!
          Note: I myself was surprised by how good it was.
          And, oh thank God, I really was scared that you were mad at me. I, as I mentioned before, don't like making others mad at me or carry a grudge towards me. I'm dumb and don't know how to correct my mistakes(⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠). Good thing my mom is nothing like me. She's a freaking Boss!
          How did you realize using Ai covers was... Um, bad? Like, did someone told you or did you just realize it yourself??


hey , im really sorry , because you are a really cool writer - but for the record, i'll have to unfollow you.
          ( okay enough with the references  uhh- )
          i just realized that your covers were Ai-Made and, frankly, as an artist - while I do understand why would you use Ai, it still upsets me greatly, especially coming from a writer i really look up to. <- that is kinda an ask to remove the Ai covers and make your own (( either draw them yourself , take a screenshot of one of the episodes [ edit it maybe ] and then use it as a new cover , or even go find a fanart that may suits them while also crediting the original artist )) , at the same time it is an advice because many writers and artists absolutely Despise Ai and your books won't get much attention if it has Ai in it ; heck, it'll probably be mistaken at firsthand that it was 'ai-written' because the covers were Ai-made.
          of course it's your choice to do it, and i'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to , i just felt like expressing this since I really like and respect you as a writer , and also because you seems like a really nice person
          i really do not mean this in a rude way whatsoever ! i am very sorry if it came across as such . i hope you have a good year <3


@BlueBerry072 ehehz
            Oh it's kinda like a mix of both things. People all around kept saying that Ai was bad but I didn't really realize how Bad it was until i've read a very long post about it on tumblr, then proceeded to read lots of others' own take about it, then had my own monologue about it and then I realized ; "Oh. Ai is bad."
            I don't really know how to explain it properly, but for the record; I never used Ai covers. I used Ai for roleplays ( and sometimes for writing fanfics .. good thing i've never posted them lol ) ;; Took me some very long time to Fully grasp on how bad Ai is, but overall; Ai is bad .. in General. 
            I am way too tired to explain it fully, but Ai is bad for the environment for the way it is highly programmed to be used in .. multiple ways, including work jobs.
            Artists of all kinds are losing their chances of even getting a job because of Ai, since people prefer a robot doing art rather than Actual Real People doing art.
            There are much more examples than just work jobs, and much more detailed and better explanations than this, but I'd suggest just doing some research about it ( if you want ofc !! >︿< )
            thats okay !! hkwshjk  i make mistakes all the time too :>


@BlueBerry072 Haii !!
            Honestly I had a feeling they were Ai-made, I just thought i was being paranoic again, lol.
            I don't really feel comfortable in drawing For others ( if not friends/family ) yet, especially since i'm not That confident enough in my art skills currently. =") I do appreciate the offer, though !! ^-^
            ( It doesn't Necessarily have to be art, it can just be anything, really. Be it an edited screenshot of one of the episodes, a single background with text, or a fanart ( as long as the original creator allows it and you give the proper credits ! ) )
            I'm not ( never really was ) mad at you, don't worry. Sorry it seemed like that ≡(▔﹏▔)≡ /gen I got a bit defensive, yes, but I promise you that I was never really mad. ( I Used ai in the past , it would be hypocrisy of me to be mad at someone else doing something I also used to do- Only thing I can do is educate them, not get mad at them )
            And I appreciate your apology <3 ( I accept it aswell, of course lol )
            That's a relief ! in all honesty the first part was just a reference to a meme hkswjh /lh


Oh, I forgot something else. I actually don't really care about getting new followers, I just get happy when you guys read it and have fun and make cute nice comments, it gets me so happy!! So that's another reason why I didn't really get upset by you unfollowed me. But it was nice having you, I loved reading your comments(⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


can you remove the ai covers, it turns me off from reading it and makes me instantly assume the author is a bad author


Oh, I didn't know that. Very sorry to hear that you didn't like it. I'm going to consider doing so, because honestly I still have no idea what to put other than those books(⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)!
            Though, you kind of made it sound a little rude, not that I take it personally, I'm not that kind of person. And most if my friends thought the covers were actually pretty cool! So reading your comment made me a bit sad, ngl. And you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover!
            Anyways, thank you for being honest with me and have a great day my friend.