
I don't spend enough time on this app as I should. Anyone have any story recommendations to keep me hooked on here for longer?


@BlueBoyHalo14 - If you like Academy stories, give "The Otherworlders" a try. I think you'll like it. :-)


@BlueBoyHalo14 how about a FNAF stories about if you were in it and sorry I haven't talked with you in a while my old phone broke it's me Roxanne Hayes if you still remember my old name, I used to go by


I don't spend enough time on this app as I should. Anyone have any story recommendations to keep me hooked on here for longer?


@BlueBoyHalo14 - If you like Academy stories, give "The Otherworlders" a try. I think you'll like it. :-)


@BlueBoyHalo14 how about a FNAF stories about if you were in it and sorry I haven't talked with you in a while my old phone broke it's me Roxanne Hayes if you still remember my old name, I used to go by


Hi everyone! 
          I have an announcement to all my Elementals readers. I'm gonna be taking a small break from the series for a bit to focus on other works I've published here on Wattpad. If you want to check those out, feel free to. 
          And to all my Springlocked readers, rest assured, I haven't abandoned you. I'm currently brainstorming a crap ton for the newest chapter. I've just been incredibly busy for the last few months, but I'm hoping to take it easy over the holiday season. 
          Happy holidays everyone, stay safe, take care and remember to stay hydrated ;⁠-⁠)


I've got an announcement to make
          To those who read any of my books, I'm sorry to say this, but for the time being I'm gonna focus  mainly on Elementals untilit's complete. I know there are people who read my other books but those will have to wait for now. 
          I've spread myself a little too thin. With all the schoolwork going on and my individual projects I'm working on, I find it difficult to juggle between writing four stories and coming up with two more all at the same time. So, I'm only gonna focus on one book for now to lighten the work load for me. 
          Again, to anyone who reads any of my other books, I'm sorry that I'll be making you wait for so long. I'll continue with the others when Elementals is complete, that's a promise. 
          Until then, I'll see you later


Bro, when I read your description the first thing that comes to my mind is the song "young, dumb, broke, high school kids" for some reason 


I'm thinking of starting two new books, but I honestly dont know if i should start them yet. 
          I've already got a lot on my plate as it is. But I gave such great ideas for these two books in the drafts that I wanna publish and now I don't know what I should do about that. I wanna get the books I've already published done, but at the same time I wanna add 2 more, and I don't know if i adding that much more work would be worth it.
           So, if you can, please tell me what I should do cuz I need help.