Hi! I've noticed that you have voted on one of my chapters. Thank you! It means a great deal that you are interested in my work. Though if you dont mind, I would like to ask a small question of you. It won't be anything too personal I promise. Is that alright with you?
@BlueBunny1502 coincidently, that is the same reason I made the fanfiction in the first place.
@FluffyChubbyDragon hmm, I've been searching for Yugioh Arc V fics. More specifically, my favourite Yu-boy Yuto and just happened to see your fic. And I got intrigued so I read it! It's nothing big, it's just me scanning this whole wattpad for Yuto fics (which so happens to be darn rare since Arc V was so criticized)
@BlueBunny1502 how is it that you've stumbled upon my domain of a fanfiction? What made you read it? I would like to tell this cat I call Curiosity your answer.