this message may be offensive
@AinaMerch This is to one of the best friends anyone will ever have. When I first met her, I was an absolute brat. I can’t put into words how fucking thankful I am that she didn’t straight out stop talking to me. By whatever miracle, we talked again, friendlier this time. And now we’ve had a solid four years of friendship, and I’m gonna miss her like fuck when I leave. She’s been such an amazing friend, and I don’t know what I did to have someone like her in my life. She’s never judged me, always supported me, knocked me off my high horse whenever it was required and most of all, always been there. A lot of people in this world would literally pay to have a friend like her. So thank u, for choosing to be my friend, and for not ditching me in the years following cuz ik I can be a supreme bitch a lot of the time. Yours truly, u know who (I cant access my email yet, and my phone’s under isolation (corona? Guess again.) so this was the only way ☹️)