I want to keep doing loves desire but I can't I lost a little interest in the ship and story I want to start fresh I am going to make more stories that I will not publish until it is done and if I want or have time I will keep writing chapters for loves desire. It was my fault that I lost interest in the story because I stopped thinking about and started procrastinating on other stuff and school got in the way and when I went back to read the chapters they seemed rushed and not worked but now I feel much much ready to start fresh and I am going to be doing it every day and I WILL NOT PUBLISH IT UNTIL ITS DONE I really hope you forgive me and I will try not to abandoned loves desire because it was my first story and I am thankful that people read it and I was even giving a ranking but its time for me to start fresh cause its better for me to start something new that I like and can focus on better than continuing a story I don't even really remember the plot that well anyway thx for reading loves desire it means a lot to me anyway bye and thankyou
I want to keep doing loves desire but I can't I lost a little interest in the ship and story I want to start fresh I am going to make more stories that I will not publish until it is done and if I want or have time I will keep writing chapters for loves desire. It was my fault that I lost interest in the story because I stopped thinking about and started procrastinating on other stuff and school got in the way and when I went back to read the chapters they seemed rushed and not worked but now I feel much much ready to start fresh and I am going to be doing it every day and I WILL NOT PUBLISH IT UNTIL ITS DONE I really hope you forgive me and I will try not to abandoned loves desire because it was my first story and I am thankful that people read it and I was even giving a ranking but its time for me to start fresh cause its better for me to start something new that I like and can focus on better than continuing a story I don't even really remember the plot that well anyway thx for reading loves desire it means a lot to me anyway bye and thankyou
I'm frictionist's friend!
Can you help me make her story reach a bit of 1.4k before she exists from her hiatus dear?
This is her story link
I look forward to it!
And please don't hesitate to ask me for any favors from your side!
I Have a huge announcement I'm going to be changing the name of the hopekook shorts my bts ships change each month so I think it would be much better to just change it to BTS ONESHOTZ I know but I think it's for the best that I do it not just for me but for you to (But mostly for me) so I hope you all enjoy them I have been doing a lot of stuff lately (Plus making new covers) so don't hate me for changing the namee
So I know I've been gone for like 300000000 years, but I am planning to post chapter nine Thursday and chapter ten on Friday, so you'll not hear from me in a while cause I will be writing for you all sorry (^_^)