I've posted a new story! The Colours of Dax! I'm really excited about this one and hopefully it won't fail like all the others have ^-^ It's also a boyxboy and I've never written anything like this before, so try not to be too mean? Thanks <3
likewise, lovely.
Once you receive this award, you are to give it to 8 people you think deserve it. If you break this cycle, nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know someone thinks you are beautiful inside and out.
Muchos love!
Once you receive this award, you are to give it to 8 people you think deserve it. If you break this cycle, nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know someone thinks your beautiful inside and out.
@CHBlackk We did have a blast, didn't we! I guess I'm on a hiatus of sorts. I not currently writing anything, but I'm here off and on if that makes sense. I'll probably try to upload more stuff in the Summer, but no promises. I'm going to working in the summer to save up for college :) I miss talking to you too!!!
Hey it's me wait I sounded like Adele any way wanna say thanks for reading my book and commenting and voting. I'm lucky to have a supporter like you. Thanks again for everything. And you're work is amazing as well. Bye now and thanks again.
@theclassykid Haha, little like Adele, but she says 'hello' ;) Of course! You have been a fantastic supporter of mine and you have so much talent! I really hope that you make it far with you poems and skills! And thank you for your lovely comments and all the votes as well!! Haha, by now *waves*