@strikezzz: I'm sorry your posts are just not showing up for me on my feed. I don't know what i'm doing. There was no mention of the Floracat situation in any of the comments on Goldleaf's post I thought the situation was solely about the cat axolotl hybrids and the Floracat situation came after. I can't say why Goldleaf blocked Cat or if she was angry or not about Cat not making her a Floracat. I can see where it seems vindictive of Goldleaf from your point of view. From the way Cat described it and Goldleaf described it, it didn't really seem like a fight, but more of an awkward encounter. There's a real possibility Goldleaf blocked her out of embarrassment. She's been virtual schooled since she was 6 and, again, is learning social interaction through her autistic mother in addition to being neurodivergent herself. Her social skills are pretty rough. She really enjoys Cats art and may not have known how to handle the rejection appropriately. I'll see what I can do on my end to teach her better coping skills for situations like this, in case it was out of embarrassment or anger or something like that. Floracats are not an original species by Cat. The concept of nature/flowers and cats being mixed together as well as the name "Floracat" has been around for years and has been done quite a few times. A quick google search found a DeviantArt post of Dahlia and Violet Floracats from 2013. There is a 2012 online game that features Floracats called Flight Rising (https://www1.flightrising.com/) that is still active today. That being said, if Goldleaf wants to make her own Floracats she can as long as she doesnt copy exactly what Cat has made. So no tracing, no adding tiny details to "make it her own", no recoloring and claiming it. It must be her own work and if would be courteous of her to credit Cat's work as inspiration since that is where she saw the idea of Floracats first. https://www.deviantart.com/cyanstorm/art/Custom-FloraCats-353455839

Yes, I kinda agree, but although they have the same name, they look nothing alike. So, I think that Floracats ARE her original species, because they are unique and differ from many other “flower cat” species