
How OVERWATCH saved me in a moment of fear. I went to a restroom that was for teacher only. I asked my teacher if I could use the restroom, well it was afterschool and I have seven period. Yea I went to that restroom. Haf my Overwatch backpack at the time, thunder style with the game symbol on the top front of it. I wqs told it wasn't used much due to it being near the lunch area where there were teen hanginh around. Well when I went in there it was clean. "Cool" I said. Then ew becuase of a giant dead cockroach in the corner of a stall. I enter a stall, was doing my buz wax and when I was done all of a sudden the restroom lights turned off! It was picth black and I was in there all only. It was just so sudden and out of nowhere, I was scared. Though at the moment that I was grateful for loving overwacth was the symbol on my backpack. It was a backpack where the symbol would gain the lights of the sun thoughout the day and then glow in blue when put in darkness. Ya that overwatch symbol was the brightest light in that restroom,  the only light laying infront of me. Heck I thought it was a ghost in there. I remembered I was a tough and had to freaking face what caused the light out. I put on a serious face and yelled out "HEY WHOSE THERE?!". No one responded. Seconds later the lights when on. Okay in my defense I didn't wash my hand because hell nah was I going to be in a place were the light all of sudden turned off on me. Got my backpack and run to my class. I told my teacher what happened. He said it could have been the sensors since the lights turn on when there is movement. He laughed and I have to say I'm thankful for Overwatch from that day. In the end Overwacth had my back in the moment of being alone in pure darkness.


How OVERWATCH saved me in a moment of fear. I went to a restroom that was for teacher only. I asked my teacher if I could use the restroom, well it was afterschool and I have seven period. Yea I went to that restroom. Haf my Overwatch backpack at the time, thunder style with the game symbol on the top front of it. I wqs told it wasn't used much due to it being near the lunch area where there were teen hanginh around. Well when I went in there it was clean. "Cool" I said. Then ew becuase of a giant dead cockroach in the corner of a stall. I enter a stall, was doing my buz wax and when I was done all of a sudden the restroom lights turned off! It was picth black and I was in there all only. It was just so sudden and out of nowhere, I was scared. Though at the moment that I was grateful for loving overwacth was the symbol on my backpack. It was a backpack where the symbol would gain the lights of the sun thoughout the day and then glow in blue when put in darkness. Ya that overwatch symbol was the brightest light in that restroom,  the only light laying infront of me. Heck I thought it was a ghost in there. I remembered I was a tough and had to freaking face what caused the light out. I put on a serious face and yelled out "HEY WHOSE THERE?!". No one responded. Seconds later the lights when on. Okay in my defense I didn't wash my hand because hell nah was I going to be in a place were the light all of sudden turned off on me. Got my backpack and run to my class. I told my teacher what happened. He said it could have been the sensors since the lights turn on when there is movement. He laughed and I have to say I'm thankful for Overwatch from that day. In the end Overwacth had my back in the moment of being alone in pure darkness.


            Play Team Fortress 2.


@BlueJayNight btw this was in the being of this year.