I just had a self inflicted mental breakdown right now for like half an hour and I’m not sure what to do with it now
I just feel so undeserving and angry and disappointed at the moment
Like I’m a waste of space that would been gone by now if it weren’t for the fact that I actually care about people and don’t want to hurt anyone due to my absence
I don’t know what to do
My boyfriend dropped off some pizza cuz I mentioned that I was craving it in a call
I honestly thought these kind of boyfriends only existed in fanfiction wtf-
I was thinking out loud about my boyfriend and how hard and fast I fell (cuz I just like to re-evaluate my life and stuff and saying it out loud helps me organize my thoughts), and I accidentally started to make tiny poem while looking for analogies for my situation that I actually quite like.
I was gonna add it here but theN I REALIZED HOWLONGITREALLYWAS-
So I’ll just add it to my poetry book -v-;