
Sequels are always the worst 


Wow.. I want to write but I have no time.. I'm too caught up with life.. I'm engaged and I'll be getting a job soon! I have four ferrets to take care of too! 


@BlueMasquerade1818 hey young me, don't be stupid.. you aren't engaged anymore xD


Im a sad child. I haven't been feeding my peoples with chapters. I want to keep on with stories, I just don't have time like I use to. In highschool, almost everything is required to graduate. Everything as in wifi. Its stupid but got to do what I got to do. I won't be able to make as much chapters. I should've said this a long time ago, I just didn't havd the damn chance. But, I shall do my best and feed you with my fab chappies. WeirdosBeWeird~