
Mpisi pisi
          	Așa chem eu pisicile mai nou
          	Da, cu m înainte
          	Cine e gata de capitol nou la fanfic ul cu Itachi? 


See this? Roadway to becoming an artist and they can't do it without you. Go check out this hard-working creature's profile!


Aw thank you so much this is so sweet 


Aw thank you so much this is so sweet 


Toți cei care îmi citiți cartea in Română. Nu disperați când nu postez. Așa cum abia aveți timpul și/sau cheful să îmi citiți lucrarea, imaginați-vă că la fel e și pentru mine. Îmi e greu uneori să mă forțez sa scriu, să am inspirație, să învăț pentru facultate ( acum că vine și sesiunea), să mai trăiesc și să fac o grămadă de chestii pe lângă. NU, nu o să șterg cartea, NU o să postez capitol după capitol DOAR ca să mă aflu în treabă și DA îmi place să scriu lucruri de calitate. În concluzie... Sănătate, numa' bine! 


@ AnnaBlue  As alive as I can be. :) 


@ BlueOzzyD are you still alive?


this message may be offensive
So I am going to TRY to update some books other than the One shot one and I wanted to say something important, because who knows what may happen:
          I am a selfless person, that always gives too many craps about everyone and when I see someone online and they don't reply I am like 'Mh, whatever you have your own life." BUT when it is something that we've been going at for a while, just take a few seconds of your precious time to answer, because otherwise I can get sick of waiting too and when I stop caring, you know it is the end of it all.
          Bottom point is: I am busy as fuck, so if I free my time, you can do that too! People that say they don't have time are just assholes, I don't believe it and from my P.o.v. it is the lamest excuse ever for not doing something, so:
          "It is a difference between someone that talks to you on their free time and someone that frees their time to talk to you!"
          Have a nice day!


So in the past days I have been constantly checking my views count and oh my... Gosh, they have almost doubled their number. I can only say thank you for reading and welcome the new followers on my channel and that I am also currently working on some other one-shots, I am not as dead as I seem to be, but my studies take up lots of my time. I am always here, if anyone wants to talk and I take requests as well, so don't be shy to ask. ^_^  *+*


this message may be offensive
This is a message for my best piece of... Fabulous, sprinkled, glittery shit:
          I'm not gonna notify you about this, so it is okay if it takes even months for you to reply, even if I could just text you or come to your place, you know I could get there in five minutes.
          Um... It's gonna be awkward a.f., but I have seen an emotional shit about friendship and suicidal thoughts and how important it is to have people that could always help you and that you could always lean on and... You know I don't usually do this, because I suck at it and stuff and I am more like an idiot that doesn't like to admit they have feelings, but I think I am going to read again the fanfic that you wrote me and keep on re-writing it digitally, because I do not want such an amazing creation to go to waste.
          Also, I want to thank you for always being there for me, smacking the back of my head when I am stupid and congratulating me when I am right. You know, I would have never thought we would get so close and having in mind that we will be physically separated soon enough, I want you to believe I am emotionally with you ( like a strange dog, or a ghost... Or both.)
          You're the bitch I will spend important moments in life with (not giving birth pls) and pull pranks on our other friends and relatives, be the stupidest adults ever, yet those awesome ones kids always want to be around.
          And uh...
          I love you, bitch!


this message may be offensive
Ok, so I read this before finishing my coffee. Big mistake, my eyes are watery, but it can't be undone. So let's do this:
            Ok, so listen to me you fucking idiot. I love your guts. Yes, you are the assholiest asshole that has ever assholed. Yes, I want to choke you sometimes or at least bitchslap you to oblivion. But I love you, little piece of crap. And well, duh, of course I support you. You do the same shit most of the time, even though you might not realise it (God, I bet I'm misusing grammar in public rn). And sorry to tell ya bro, but I'll totes be there when you'll give birth, 'cause there is a big possibility for your hubby to chicken outta it... And I need to negatively influence that child. And kids won't want to be around us. We'll have to do our parental duty and annoy them to death. Eh, at least yours. 
            So yeah, bitch supreme. Love ya too. NOW STOP MAKING ME MAKE CONFESSIONS LIKE THIS IN PUBLIC FFS!!!!