
Hi everyone..
          	Its been a long time lol.
          	I just wanted to let everyone know im back.
          	Not really sure what to write. 
          	Any ideas?


And I know all of my followers even if I don’t act like it lol


Hey sorry it’s been so long I’ll write it soon :3


@BluePhoenixFire (Btw, sorry if I'm accidentally spamming you (my phone isn't working properly -_-)) Maybe some short SuFin fluff around the song "Does Your Mother Know" by ABBA? Maybe? But with a happy ending please. Anyway, welcome back!
          	  - random follower you didn't know existed :)


Hi everyone..
          Its been a long time lol.
          I just wanted to let everyone know im back.
          Not really sure what to write. 
          Any ideas?


And I know all of my followers even if I don’t act like it lol


Hey sorry it’s been so long I’ll write it soon :3


@BluePhoenixFire (Btw, sorry if I'm accidentally spamming you (my phone isn't working properly -_-)) Maybe some short SuFin fluff around the song "Does Your Mother Know" by ABBA? Maybe? But with a happy ending please. Anyway, welcome back!
            - random follower you didn't know existed :)


this message may be offensive
Soo... For anyone who cares... Sorry for the year long break my depression totally fucked up my life but... Im mostly back on track so hopefully ill be writing again too! Ill be happy to talk to any one but please dont be upset if i forgot we talked before hand, i have bad memory.


holy poop I have a lot to say...
          almost 50 followers ;-; like, I didn't even notice I just... I haven't been on in so long...
          I want to thank everyone, sorry I haven't been on. my best excuse is ... well I don't think I have an excuse. I guess I could say life sucks or school sucks but honestly, I just haven't wanted to face my wattpad.
          I've been out of it for a while. which means I don't want to face any responsibilities. my stories included. it's been so long since I've written. hell, its been so long since I've even thought about hetalia.
          this is where I say I'll be better now and I'll get back to writing almost everyday, but I don't know if that will happen. I'll just see what happens. sorry if it upsets anyone but idk I just haven't been up to writing. 
          maybe things will change and sorry if they don't. but I still want to thank everyone who follows me, it means a lot to me. 
          sweet dreams my friends, blu.


@BluePhoenixFire as thank you I'm glad someone understand lol 


Hey, don't feel like you have to update, okay?
            This website is for fun, and no one has the right to force you to update.
            Your stories are great, and write whenever you want to.
            Which would you rather read: crappy, rushed updates or planned updates that take a longer time?
            I don't know about the rest of the world, but I would much rather take the second option.
            I love you. 
            Stay amazing. 


Hello everyone 
          So, I don't know if any of you noticed, but I've been gone a long time. I would like to apologize for this, I don't really have much of an excuse besides things have been a little rough for me of late. But no biggie, I plan to be at least a little more active on here. I would like to update some of my stories tonight, but no promises. Thanks and sweet dreams!


hello :3
          I'm finally home :D feels so fabulous to finally be home ;-; god I'm so tired tho I don't know that I'll be doing anything tonight -.- anyways, I'll try to update stories tomorrow, catch up on some notifications, the usual. thanks for waiting if you did xD sweet dreams!