
Guyss! I finished Living with the Swaylers!!!! I'm still planning to write an epilogue but other than that, two years or so worth of work is done! I'm so excited about it but like now what am I gonna do all summer without a book to write?
          	Speaking of summer, I GRADUATE IN TWO DAYSSSS!!!!!! I'm so excited!! But it's so bittersweet, I can't believe I'm this old already! Senior year went by so fast yet so much happened. I'm gonna miss high school for sure, especially my track team and teachers, but there is so much more of life to be experienced. However I'm not done yet, today and tomorrow is the Track State Championships in which I compete in 4 events! Pretty excited but nervous. 
          	Anyways so yea I'm about to graduate and my book is done! I hope you guys enjoy the ending (or at least what the ending is right now)! <3 
          	Also shoutout to my fellow class of 2022, we made it! I'm proud of us all!


@BlueSky910 are you gonna make an epilogue soon?


Guyss! I finished Living with the Swaylers!!!! I'm still planning to write an epilogue but other than that, two years or so worth of work is done! I'm so excited about it but like now what am I gonna do all summer without a book to write?
          Speaking of summer, I GRADUATE IN TWO DAYSSSS!!!!!! I'm so excited!! But it's so bittersweet, I can't believe I'm this old already! Senior year went by so fast yet so much happened. I'm gonna miss high school for sure, especially my track team and teachers, but there is so much more of life to be experienced. However I'm not done yet, today and tomorrow is the Track State Championships in which I compete in 4 events! Pretty excited but nervous. 
          Anyways so yea I'm about to graduate and my book is done! I hope you guys enjoy the ending (or at least what the ending is right now)! <3 
          Also shoutout to my fellow class of 2022, we made it! I'm proud of us all!


@BlueSky910 are you gonna make an epilogue soon?


Hey everyone! For those of you who have read parts of and liked Living With the Swaylers, great news - I am taking a creative writing class this semester and for our final we have to finish a project we've been working on outside of school and for me that is this book!! So almost guaranteed the book will be finished by May 22nd (the day I graduate!)!!  Plus the whole thing will be graded which I think is pretty exciting!
          I hope you all are doing well! I miss your comments and stuff <3


I just want to share some encouragement for my fellow dreamers and hopeless romantics out there, if you've read my book New Girl at Camp I wrote a few years ago you'd know it's about a girl who travels out of state by herself for the first time for a camp and meets great new people including a guy named Zach and starts to really like him..... well I'd like to say I sorta manifested that for myself as recently I did indeed travel out of state by myself for the first time for a college visit (which was honestly kinda like camp) and met a guy named.... yup. Same name as that character in the book and I've started to really like him XD. Currently I am starting to write that college trip as a short book because so many parts of it made me really feel like "y/n" (just without the celebrities) and I think it'll be called Airport Boys... you'll found out why!
          That all just goes to show that almost anything is possible and don't stop dreaming. Love you all and happy holidays!!! <3


My crush asked me what I like to do in my free time and for one of my answers I said write stories, but now he wants to read one and uh..... all of mine are romance which is pretty awkward..! Help! 


@GreySloth1  He doesn't have wattpad hehehehe but thanksss!


@BlueSky910 wait...won't he be able to see u called him your crush?


@BlueSky910 good luck!!!!!!!!!


Random question - so today when I went Black Friday shopping at the mall with my friend we were passing by this one kiosk and the guy working there said "Y'all heard of us?" trying to advertise his company but I didn't realize he was talking to me until I looked up and made eye contact with him a few seconds after he said that. Then he said "God bless you" while still looking at me and we continued to hold eye contact for a few seconds as I walked by because I was still confused as to how to respond. But does that count as a catcall? He looked at me and said "God bless you" which could be out of kindness but it was kind of uncomfortable and now I can't stop thinking about it . His coworker overheard this and laughed at the awkwardness too which kind of made me think it was a catcall also... idk lol what do you guys think?


Hello i wanted to say that I love you book « comfort characters » and I asked you if you would still ubtate ( sorry for my English I’m french) 


@Hopeligh12  Hello!! I'm so glad you love it, that means so much to me! I will most likely continue to update it in the future but I am not sure exactly when, it'll be at random times as I feel like writing more. 


Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that the next chapter of Living With the Swaylers is being written, but it will most likely be quite a while until it's done because I'm going back to school Wednesday and trying to get a lot of things done before then, as well as the first almost relationship I've ever had recently failed :( so I'll be focusing on my real life emotions for a while instead of my fictional characters' emotions. :/ But I'm okay! Just gonna focus on myself for a bit :) make him regret losing me hehe! jk, but also not really ;) 
          I hope you all are doing well! And for those of you like me who are starting school soon, good luck! I hope you make new friends and everything turns out great, remember to be confident in yourself (and if you aren't, fake it till you make it!). *virtual hugs for everyone <3


Hey guys!!! I just published the next chapter of Living With The Swaylers and in this special chapter, it's someone's birthdayyyy!!! Lots of adventurous, funny, and even romantic moments. I'm so sorry it took much longer to write than I expected, life has it's way of sending me plot twists. But I'm finally done and it's published, so I hope you guys love it! And as always I love your comments on it :)) I hope you all are having a great summer!


@Fluffy123456789123 I totally forgot about the season change! Haha, that's really cool you're in Australia tho! but also oof I hate the cold 


@BlueSky910 lol, me in Australia in the middle of winter rn freezing


I'm done with the next chapter of Living With The Swaylers!!!! Yaayy! I hope you love it as much as I do!


@Mafiaqueen888 Thank you so so much!!! <3 Yeah I love that one a lot! I just have been more focused lately on Living with the Swaylers that I am starting to miss New Girl at Camp, I'll have to reread what I've wrote soon :D


@BlueSky910  I LOVE YOUR STORIES! I think the new girl at camp one is my favourite though :)