
I am so sorry for the lack of updates. School is kicking me in the rear so hard I'm flying so far into another galaxy and I'm currently sick. I'll try to post something when I'm able to. Again, I'm sorry and for those who are patiently waiting, thank you ( ◜‿◝ )♡


@BlueSparkleJewel Thank you, I'm feeling much better now and working on something! You're so sweet ( ◜‿◝ )♡


@BlueSparkleJewel take care of yourself, luv. health and studies are important ♥


Hey, how have you been? take care and stay safe!


@-l0vesong thankyou so much T_T ♡
            Please don't forget to take care of yourself too! I mean it tho, once I'm able to have time, I'll continue writing what I already have!


@BlueSparkleJewel oh no, please take your time! Don't worry about writing right now! make sure your getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and have food!


@-l0vesong I'm aliveee, omg, I'm so sorry! College has been a rough experience so far! Not to mention that I've been sick for a while now! But despite everything, I have been trying to write, I just need more time before I can continue and eventually finish something T_T


I am so sorry for the lack of updates. School is kicking me in the rear so hard I'm flying so far into another galaxy and I'm currently sick. I'll try to post something when I'm able to. Again, I'm sorry and for those who are patiently waiting, thank you ( ◜‿◝ )♡


@BlueSparkleJewel Thank you, I'm feeling much better now and working on something! You're so sweet ( ◜‿◝ )♡


@BlueSparkleJewel take care of yourself, luv. health and studies are important ♥


Why is this writer so underrated? Like their works are really unique and everything. Anyway, great job author. You're doing well. I hope your safe and happy ♥︎


@Yangyangieee Ohmygod, thank you! I'm glad you've been happy with my work, it's such an achievement for me to be acknowledged like this by a reader! I wish you well too and I hope you're safe and happy as well ♡♡


I accidentally published the recent part of my imagines book without changing the title, I'm so sorry for anyone who saw that T_T
          I've put it back up tho, with the title updated, ain't anything wrong with the first one anyway since it was what it was. But anyway, I just wanted to explain what happened right there for those who read my book and was wondering why I published-unpublished then published again. Thank you!!
          ~Blue <3