
          	You are.
          	I forgot to put you in the rank.


Wolf Name: Megan
          Wolf Appearance: Dark blonde fur with white specks,light blue eyes, slender and strong
          My Appearance: 5'6,Dark blonde hair,light blue eyes, white shoulder off t-shirt,dark blue skinny jeans,black combat boots
          Personality: Talented,funny,smart,friendly,flirt,talk a lot,short tempered
          Rank: female Third in command


Wolf Name: Storm
          Wolf Appearance: Dusty/dirty Blonde fur, hazel eyes with green specks in them, strong
          My Appearance: tan, 5'5, athletic build (fit), hazel eyes, dirty blonde hair-blonde in summer dirty blinde in winter, t-shirts/tank tops, jean shorts and jeans, converse/vans/combat boots
          Personality: smart, kind, nice, compassionate, shy at first once you gert to know she is crazy, happy, gets angered easily, sticks up for others, strong, 
          Rank: warrior


Wolf name: Nockole
          Wolf appearance: black fur with white paws, dark blue eyes, somewhere between small and medium sized wolf, slender but still muscular
          My appearance: pale skin, black hair with purple streaks, dark blue eyes, black tank top, black skinny jeans, combat boots
          Personality: funny, smart, usually very happy, doesn't share much about past because I like to look towards the future, protective, lovable
          Rank: idk maybe you have some ideas or I can figure it out later