
NEW CHAPTER OF BTB out NOW! If you want more consistent writing when you are having BTB withdrawls...come check out my BLOG.
          	BC xoxo
          	You can find me here:


So...The new chapter of BTB is out NOW! I told y'all I did not forget. I will be releasing the new chapters as frequent as I can before releasing "City Of Trees!" I am in the midst of editing old/new chapters for BTB so sorry for the burst of notifications. Looking foward to all your feedback.
          P.S: ( Head over to my website to read the BLOG if you are suffering from withdraws of my writing! (


Hey y'all,
          I know its been awhile since I made an announcement...but I wanted to let the work speak for itself as I get back in my consistent bag. I just wanted to let you know that there are "x" amount of chapters left of "Below The Belt." Dame and Teyana's Journey is slowly, but surely coming to an end. Many of y'all have rocked with me since the beginning and others have just hopped aboard the ride. I appreciate you all and hope you are down for the rest of the crazy ride. 
          I promise that this story is about to get explosive! Please leave your constructive comments and let me know what you think. I am saddened as well as I wrap up because like all of you I have become so attached to this couple and had so much fun writing them!
          There will be many more projects to come and for those who stay loyal to the cause even after I publish, I hope to continue to give y'all the first look to all my projects whether its a quick snippet or a few chapters.
          Love, BC <3


Hey y’all I for those who actually follow my work, I know I’ve been gone for a minute, but I am back. There has been so much going on from COVID, Racial Injustice/upsets, personal, and school. I have been doing some self reflection and having some epiphanies. I have come to a lot of conclusions. I want to come back here more consistently and explore more of my written talents. Writing is my first love, and I haven’t fallen out of it yet there have been many ups and downs. Today I experienced along with this past month some bursts of inspiration. One for yet another story and some poetry, if you are willing to bare with me I have a lot to share coming soon. Also, I have pondered finishing the other novels in time.  The short novel StraightJacket is completed, I just have to edit and upload. Below The Belt is on hold for now, I’m not sure how soon it will be updated. However, I will be uploading content very soon. I hope you are all safe and healthy. I just had to come speak my peace because I miss this app and y’all. -With Love BC  (P.S.: I’m considering retiring the name Blue China and opting for something more polished/mature. What do y’all think?) 


Both BTB and SJ have been updated! Bare with me as we get back on regular schedule with updates coming every Wednesday. Since this update was on a Monday it will be debatable on whether two new chapters will be posted! 
          Enjoy, BC <3