
Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals, if you ever get the opportunity that is YouTube comment section roleplays, join in on them, they are hilarious and so much fun. You don't know anything about the people you're rping with other than the fact that you are in the same fandom with them, now, there'd be no OCs, but you can just, hop in as a canon character, you don’t have a set person that you are, and multiple people can RP as the same person, leading to some interesting stuff happening. All in all, 10/10 would recommend.


Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals, if you ever get the opportunity that is YouTube comment section roleplays, join in on them, they are hilarious and so much fun. You don't know anything about the people you're rping with other than the fact that you are in the same fandom with them, now, there'd be no OCs, but you can just, hop in as a canon character, you don’t have a set person that you are, and multiple people can RP as the same person, leading to some interesting stuff happening. All in all, 10/10 would recommend.


Please pray for my sister, aunt and uncle, and my cousins, they live eight miles from the Tampa Bay. They have already lost power. I would really appreciate it if you can keep them on your prayers. 


I’ll add them to my list of prayers. I know how you feel, I have family down there as well


Guys, I'm looking for a book, I don't remember the name of it, it's a dark Harry book, where after the war Harry was called the next dark lord but only a few believed in him, including Hermione, McGonagall, Luna, George, Bill, Flur, Charlie, I BELIEVE Neville, all the Slytherins, and Draco, those are the people I remember helped him, also in the book Dumbledore didn't actually die, they all die while on the run, when Harry dies he gets sent back with Hermione, Draco, the twins, Luna, and one other person, I forget who but I believe it was Neville. If you can find it please tell me the name.


I found it, it's called turn back time by @Wolfphantom8 it's really good


i don’t know.