
I'm currently Writing in between classes LOL!!! todays my first day of school ooof.


Sadly I don’t have access to this account anymore so none of the books on this profile can be updated


@blackbutterfly_999 it’s okay I mean it’s your book to change 


One of my biggest pet peeves in X reader fan fics is when you start ready and you’re immediately with that person who knows maybe I’ll make a part 2 but as of this moment I think it’s unlikely. But I have books on Eddie and argyle on my new acc and I’m in the process of building storylines for Kurt kunkle and Steve Harrington! 


@juniperfairvy  I would but like at the time of writing this I was a lot closer to Dustin’s age in season 2 where I left off i feel weird writing about season 2 Dustin so if I did continue this book they’re would be a HUGE time skip and it would just kinda annoy me I guess 


Can we please get an update on partners in crime with Carl Gallagher and if you are not interested in continuing that book could I because a lot of people have asked for an update and it has been a year since you last updated it so could you please  and I am sorry if I affected you in anyway