
Okay, his is a little PSA: I use GRAMMERLY to try and weed out all of my spelling errors in my story, because they just kill the mood. But there is SOME STUPID ERROR EVERY FIVE SECONDS IN THE FIC GRAMMERLY YOU FAILED ME I TRUSTED YOU WHY!! I might just go in and edit all my chapters and fix all of GRAMMERLY STUPID MISTAKES AAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! 


@Blueawsomness666 wow, I Even make a spelling error on this I AM TOO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW TO DEAL!!


Okay, his is a little PSA: I use GRAMMERLY to try and weed out all of my spelling errors in my story, because they just kill the mood. But there is SOME STUPID ERROR EVERY FIVE SECONDS IN THE FIC GRAMMERLY YOU FAILED ME I TRUSTED YOU WHY!! I might just go in and edit all my chapters and fix all of GRAMMERLY STUPID MISTAKES AAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! 


@Blueawsomness666 wow, I Even make a spelling error on this I AM TOO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW TO DEAL!!


It is almost 1 in the morning right now and I have a party tommorow, but guess what I am doing? I'm actually working on a BIG update for ATOTP because I really feel bad for not updating it at all. I'm gonna post an AN on it later, but I just wanted to let you all know it is getting worked on!