Sorry I’ve been away! My parents have been visiting and they kind of throw off my writing routine, so I’ve taken a week and a half break and it sucks. What are words. Getting back into it, but trying to tackle the next chapter of Only Human, my latest Fassy fic.
My in laws visited for 3 weeks over the summer, and I don’t think my life has been on track since. Work started in August, my family visited in September and working in an elementary school means someone in my house is sick every other week because of all the cooties. I feel ya!
Sorry I’ve been away! My parents have been visiting and they kind of throw off my writing routine, so I’ve taken a week and a half break and it sucks. What are words. Getting back into it, but trying to tackle the next chapter of Only Human, my latest Fassy fic.
My in laws visited for 3 weeks over the summer, and I don’t think my life has been on track since. Work started in August, my family visited in September and working in an elementary school means someone in my house is sick every other week because of all the cooties. I feel ya!
I hate getting into a fanfic only to come across “Y/N” It takes me completely out of the story! Can’t stand it! If I see a “Y/N”, I move on. I just can’t. Do you like it? Dislike it?
@Bluebell84 absolutely hate! I just cant flow into it, I can never read my name over it and normally read "your name" and to me it ruins the aesthetic, the books can be good though, so nothing against the authors of those books. I just can't read them properly myself