@Shadow_monark_0 Wow.. So another hypocrite huh! Well the people who hate them are the ones who are sick in the head like dude! What would people actually gain by hating them?? Did they do something to you? No they are just artists spreading their talent in music and helping and loving millions of people emotionally. If you don't like them it's fine! It absolutely makes no sense why they are hated
Now coming to that gay thingy! It's disgusting to laugh on people who are not straight. Just because they show affection with each other doesn't make them gay and even if they are what's the problem huh? They're not murderers or terrorist! People should change and actually prove that we're in the 21st century by accepting everyone equally. Homophobia is just another type of disgusting and deadly disease which people can't get out of their heads
Grow up and be a human not a hypocrite who just randomly hates on people and judge them without actually knowing them. Most importantly sexuality doesn't matter... A person's heart and their actions do, if they're pure then that's enough for a better society doesn't matter if they're straight or not