Noopept is a dipeptide similar to the nootropic agent Piracetam, though technically Noopept is not a racetam (since it lacks the 2-oxo-pyrollidine nucleus). Noopept is a dipeptide similar to the nootropic agent Piracetam, though technically Noopept is not a racetam (since it lacks the 2-oxo-pyrollidine nucleus). Methylene blue has been demonstrated to have #nootropic effects in diverse conditions in animal models, including: inhibitory avoidance, spatial memory, fear extinction, object recognition, open-field habituation and discrimination learning. Tianeptine (Stablon) is a novel antidepressant and anxiolytic used to treat depression in Europe. Tianeptine binds mu-opioid receptors in the brain which may give it an advantage over typical antidepressants. Structurally, Tianeptine is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), though it’s mechanism of action and side effect profile is unlike other TCAs. Nefiracetam belongs to the racetam group of nootropics.It was originally dervied from piracetam but shares structural features with aniracetam – both of which are lipophilic (fat soluble).