
Bleaping hell I am so sorry it takes so long with all this stuff going on school, exams and work its never going to get done but on the 11th im going to go thought all my work and spell, grammer and just do some quality checks and changes , again so sorry also thanks to all of you for sticking with me :) iou so much 


Bleaping hell I am so sorry it takes so long with all this stuff going on school, exams and work its never going to get done but on the 11th im going to go thought all my work and spell, grammer and just do some quality checks and changes , again so sorry also thanks to all of you for sticking with me :) iou so much 


What I promised was a re-do of my oldest and my "best" work but i found it is taking a long time and the fact of christmas, new year and hundreds of other thing including a death in the family has postponed it but it is still coming but expect it around February maybe even January if i am lucky so sorry 


Guys I am so sorry I just have been busy with school and other things like attack on Titan but I just this past few months have been really ruff I have had none stop mental and physical abuse but when I write or read a story by you guy I feel at home safe and happy I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for me