Hey! I have been following you and reading your stories from a longtime, when you uploaded it on some german or russian platform. I love your stories and from what I understand, Grace has might have some problem in conceiving. None the less, from my understanding of the types of heros you write, Erick is a very loving and loyal partner. The way you end your stories makes us come back to read it again and again. There's a wholesome feelings and no unnecessary emotional damage caused at the end. Your stories are beautiful. I would love to read a sports romance/ collage romance type story from you sometime. I also wish to hold your book in hardcopy someday and read though its off white course pages. Thank you for making my 10 mins of relaxing and entertainment time worth it after a mind frying day. Don't get discouraged and let me assure you people don't follow you only because you tell them to follow, they stay because your stories are worth reading and reading.