          	feel free to join if you want. We are watching Moana at the moment :3


A young family of four were walking up the hill together, going to their tree as they usually did to have their weekend picnic. The long tendrils of leaves that belonged to the willow tree danced in the wind as the family approached. It was a very sunny day, with very few clouds in the sky. Birds chirped all around, creating a peaceful melody that rang throughout the air.
          	The three of them sat on the grassy hill, overlooking the river that carried small fish into the lake. The parents sat the twins down at the base of the tree as they set up for lunch. “Are you guys ready to have lunch?” said their father, as he finished setting up. The children gave him a doltish smile.
          	“The view up here is just amazing,” the twins’ mother said as she lifted one up and placed it back down again, this time on their blanket. “Good choice this weekend.”
          	“Thank you, I knew that you would like it.” he replied, giving her a little smirk. The parents had a very loving relationship. They met in sixth grade and hated each other up until their sophomore year in high school, where their friend was killed in a very bad car accident. He was there only friend, and when he was gone, they slowly became closer and closer, and thing had just taken off from there.
          I need opinions on this. If you could, please rate this from 1 to 10, ten being the worst, I need an honest opinion :3


Is it well written


Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up and I am about a week behind on the March Writing Challenge :) I still have to plan my NaNo story and decide if I'm going to even do what I was planning on doing. Why must March be so complicated...