Hey guys!!
(just so yall know chap 1 on my new book is gonna come out on may 27(my aunts bday))
So i was recently notified that there has been a homophobic, transphobic, everyphobic woman on the loose. I just wanna tell yall that if youre in the closet and not ready to come out irl yet then i recommend you to NOT POST PERSONAL THINGS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. this woman is getting all the info they have on you from social media and leaks it, anonymously. And they find out your location too i heard. Then she spills it to your parents, friends, a dog, to basically everyone you know i guess.
But if youre ok on not taking down your personal stuff(face reveals, names, location) then its ok too. Its you who makes the choice
Im just spreading the word so that yall can be safe too